Fallout New Vegas Ps3 Lag

Fallout New Vegas Ps3 Lag 6,7/10 7661 votes

One of the first thing PS3 users should know is there are several PS3 versions of Fallout 3, and this does effect your overall gameplay. On the side binding of the gamecase there is a gamecode. The gamecode version you want is BLUS30455 Canadian English(French) version. The American BLUS30451 seems to be an extremely buggy version, as well BLUS30455 is the only GOTY edition that recieved a patch update when installed, due to a problem with the PSN notifier with this version. And note BLUS30455 is an English version game with French included as some have questioned the DLC for the standard version BLUS30234GH as the bracketed (french) in the PS Store download(Fallout3 Greatest Hits Red Box which also runs extremely well on PS3).The saved characters can be loaded from the American version BLUS30451 to The Canadian version BLUS30455, once installed and patched.

Fallout: New Vegas dev blames PS3 lag on restrictive RAM. Fallout: New Vegas project coordinator talks about the PlayStation 3 and memory issues, which may lend insight to more recent but similar. Try unhooking your ps3 from the net,helped with Fallout 3 a little,can't vouch for Vegas until tommorow.As the other guys have mentioned Bethesda have issued a.

It will actually load in as a side by side with the other Fallout 3 game as they are actually different. Althought I recommend just uninstalling the 30451 version and leaving the saved games. Once the 30455 version is installed and patched you should be able to load then resave your characters, this upgrades the saved files to the 1.01 version. Note you cannot load a 30455 Cnd. 1.00/1.01 to a 30451 Amer.

1.00.The following adjustments are for the game and the PS3 to help with gameplay.These are adjustments I made for the American Version BLUS30451 to improve gameplay, but will benefit any edition.In-Game settings, you want to disable 2 of the 3 save options, so it saves on 'travel', while 'wait' and 'rest' are unchecked, this should reduce game lag due to oversaving. Travel includes when you pass through doors.Try to keep saved games to under 6 as they can get rather large as the game progresses.Remember to manually save, this also helps with game lag for some reason.

Timing is preferencial.If you start to experience excessive lag ingame, save and quit to PS3 menu, restart and reload this should fix the problem.If the game appears to lock-up wait a couple minutes to see if it is just badly lagged and unfreezes, save and quit, then restart and reload, the problem should be gone. Patience is a virtue.In the game settings, under audio put the music bar all the way down to 0, music glitches have been experienced.Lastly, to experience the fullness of the game and incorporate all storylines and rewards properly, invest some time into reading area and character notes, as some items or storylines become unavailable if a specific dialogue or order is not completed properly. Wiki seems to have quite well organized notes for these such needs.PS3 wise, you should make the following adjustments and perform the following maintenance.Adjustments can be made to the PS3 that should help with gameplay. Although if your entertainment system does benefit alter the settings as required.First, turn off the PSN notifier as it has a known issue in-game.To do this goto Settings, System Settings, and goto Notification Messages. Set to Do Not Display.

As well the one just under in the menu, listed, Display What's New, set to Off.Second, adjust the game settings in the PS menu.Found under Settings, Game Settings. Turn off both the PS Upscaler and Smoothing.Third, adjust the Display setting in the PS menu.Goto Settings, Display Settings. At the bottom of the list, Turn Off, Deep Color Output(HDMI) setting.Lastly, adjust the PS Sound.Goto Settings, Sound Settings, and Turn Off, Audio Multi-Output.These maintenance steps shouldn't need to be performed to often.Firstly, and not to be used excessively as it will contribute to wear and tear, is to run the fan function.

This will blow out dust and make sure the PS3 cooling fan is working correctly.The steps will vary slightly depending on the type of PS3 you have.Shut off the PS3 completely. If you have an on/off button on the rear of the PS3 turn it to off. If you do not have the rear on/off switch unplug the PS3.Press and hold the disc-tray eject button, turn the switch to on or plug in the PS3, while still holding the eject button. You should hear the PS3 fan start to spin up at this point.Remove your finger and allow the fan cycle to complete.Again, power off the PS3 depending on the above method, wait a couple seconds and power it back up.Start the PS3 to make sure everything's in order, then shut down for the next step.(Please note the following step may require you hook-up the PS3 with the composite video output to complete.)Secondly, is to uncorrupt your PS3 drive files. This must be done using these steps, as this menu option is only available here and not in the standard PS3 settings menu.Press and hold the power button, the PS3 should power up, beep once,pause, then beep again before shutting down. Hold the button until it shuts off.Lift your finger and press and hold the power button again, it will beep, pause then beep twice, at the end of the second beep lift your finger.If you do not get these results, repeat.Your TV should now display a message to connect your controller and to push the PS button.A menu with 6 options should come up now, choose option '3'. Restore File System, this does not destroy your files, only uncorrupts the drive, in PC terms a Defrag.Verify the selected option '3'.The PS3 should restart and display its drive findings and that it will restore, X for OK.Allow it to restore your PS3, times will vary.It will shutdown and restart the PS3 normally when completed.The above steps done in combination should result in a more enjoyable game, but ultimately it is the game version that will effect this.

If you have the 30451 GOTY, trade it in if you can and make sure to get the 30455 GOTY disc edition, or the FO3 standard edition BLUS30234. Check the lower side binding of the case.I do wish to apologize for not having the UK version of the game to include in my tests.Additional Notes and Findings.Music, sound and lag. It bothered me greatly that I could not solve the music problem and still found that when multiple audio sounds were present that occassional lag spikes would occur. I decided to look further into the sound as well as music setting. After altering the music setting I found the game actually performed differently with alternate settings.

After extensive hours and testing I finally found that setting music to ATRAC at 320Bps/48KHz seemed to work quite well with little to no lag and no freeze ups at all. Although I did also find AAC at 320Bps/48KHz seemed to work almost as well I did get alot of small freeze ups that would last less than a second at a time but seemed to happen quite often. Atrac set to 352Kps also suffered from the small freezes but kicked out of game completely on a lock up.

I did find the ATRAC 320Kps/44.1/88.2/. With bitmapping set to #2 also worked quite well, but froze completly after 43 minutes of playtime otherwise it was flawless.Try the ATRAC/320/48(under music setting)I had also enabled AAC under Sound, Audio Output Settings, using manual to add it.Carinth.

In the add-on ',' you'll encounter a challenge called 'A Slave Obeys.' Within it, you are instructed to kill with a 9-iron.

This is an apparent reference to a similar scene in BioShock.Submitted by: dominator265 Finding Fallout 3's Wasteland Survival Guide If you've played Fallout3 and you know about Moira Brown's 'Wasteland survival guide' than you know what this is. What you do is travel to Lone Wolf Radio,then go in the camper and right next to a bed you will find it.

The Wild Wasteland perk is required to find it and the guide gives you a perminent survival skill boost of 3 points.Submitted by: MVPxGEAR Don't Die from Falling Right before you hit the ground, save. Load that save and you will land lightly on the ground. Steal All 37 Gold Bars In ' (DLC) Note: You will need a few C4 and a Detonator for this exploit.

In the final part of the game you will enter a vault with 37 gold bars weighing 35 pounds each. Each gold bar is worth 10.539 caps.

Clearly you can not take them all - unless you use this exploit.Enter the vault and the door will seal behind you. Take everything in the room that you want to including the 36 gold bars on the table to your right and the 1 gold bar on the overseers desk. Deactivate the security system and activate the computer on the desk.

IMPORTANT: Only read 'Vera', DO NOT access the file that shows up after you read it. Elijah will appear on the monitor, convince him to meet you in the vault. When the conversation ends leave the room immediately (it unlocks), and walk to the far right stairway.


A blue force field will appear blocking your path, lay your C4 at the bottom of those stairs and then press your body against the blue force field in the doorway. When Elijah finishes speaking, for some reason you and he switch places. (You'll see what I mean) Make sure he is on or very near your C4. Detonate and leave the way you came. Congratulations you now have 37 Gold Bars worth a total of 389.943 Caps. Win Big at Caravan You can stack the deck in your favor to win at Caravan virtually every time. A Caravan deck has a minimum of 30 cards - which you can buy from merchants or find on dead bodies - so you need to choose those that will get you between 22 and 26 consistently while also giving you defensive cards to use against your opponent.Here's a great setup.

Take these cards with you:10s9s8s7s6sKingsJacksAces2 JokersJacks, Aces and Jokers are defensive plays. Use Jacks to remove cards from your opponent. Ace and Joker played will remove all cards of your Ace's suit (an Ace of Spades and Joker will remove all spades from the table). Kings will double whatever they are placed on.

Optimally, 6+K+K = 24.Here's how to play to win: To open, lay down your highest or lowest cards first to start the 'base' of your caravan. 10+9+8=27 so don't use this combination. 6+7+8=21 so don't use this either (unless you put your Ace down after the 8 to make 22). But every play between is a winner. As stated above, 6+K+K=24 is also a winner.

Using this strategy, you are virtually guaranteed to win each hand of caravan, no matter how high your luck!You can accumulate nearly unlimited items and caps by playing Caravan. Seek out vendors with lots of cash and items. Buy all the items you can afford off them, then challenge them to a few games of Caravan and win back all your money! Really Easy Caps from Gun Runners The Gun Runners store on the east side of New Vegas has a locked fence and several guard blocking the entrance to the 'factory.' Pick the lock and the Gun Runners will begin firing at you. Kill them and loot their bodies for Combat Armor, Hunting Rifles and Combat Helmets.

All of these items are worth money, and each Gun runner has about 1,500-2,000 Caps worth of loot on their person. Enter the building to find more Runners to slay. After doing this, approach the Vend-Tron robot at the Gun Runner shop, who has 8,000 Caps to burn, and sell it your loot.

Now, travel far away, wait for three in-game days and return to the area to find the Gun Runners have respawned and are ripe for the 'harvest.' Kill People with No Consequences You can kill people without making them hostile or damaging your reputation. Pick up a barrel or any large object you push or pick up. Drop it next to a standing NPC that isn't leaning against a wall, doing push ups, or sitting on ground or in a chair. Run against the barrel or large moveable object, it will damage the NPC without becoming hostile and losing reputation. However, it can damage you a little and might send the object flying. I would recommend trying it on stationary targets until you get used to this trick.

Note: Heavier armored or tougher NPCs will take a while to kill with this method. Unique Armor Here is a list of where you can find unique armor.Gannon Family Tesla Armor: The Gannon Family Tesla Armor can be obtained during the personal quest for. When doing his quest and gathering all his allies, convince him to stay in Freeside for the duration of the battle. You need an INCREDIBLY high speech ability - at least 80 speech.

As a reward, he will give you the Gannon Family Tesla Armor, helmet and all. You need power armor training to wear this.

Submitted by gamerzgod123.Chinese Stealth Armor: The Chinese stealth armor can be found in the Hoover Dam offices. It's in the room with the toxic barrels and green goop. Once you see the room, turn to your left.

You should see a bunch of wooden crates. Inside one of these crates is two sets of Chinese Stealth Armor. Both weigh 20.00. Unfortunately, the invisibility thing the armor does in Fallout 3, is gone now - all it does is give you +5 sneak. Submitted by gamerzgod123.T-51b Power Armor: Armor or to be precise armors are located near HELIOS 1. From there head west towards the cliffs.

From the cliffs turn left and head to a small canyon, which by the way is full of scorpions, that leads to a 'Scorpion gulch'. There you have 2 options up left or up right. Up left is Brotherhood of Steels camp, but we head up right. When you detect small amounts of radiation you're close. Kill a few centaurs that are leaching the radiation and you see a possible meteor crater with large amounts of radiation. At the bottom you see two(2) dead Brotherhood of Steel Paladins who wear T-51b Power Armors.

Armors are in pretty bad shape, but after repairing them you own possibly best armor of the game. Submitted by PhoenixFIN.T-51b Power Armor (Non Faction): This armor does not have any faction effects, and is the only NON-BROTHERHOOD T-51b power armor in the Game. The Deathclaw Promontory is located across the river East of Ranger Station Echo. There is no map marker for this location. Look for a walkway that goes up a mountain right off the shore. You must defeat 20-25 Deathclaws including 2 Mothers and 1 Alpha male. There are 2 dead prospectors bodies lying on the ground on the far right side of this area.

One of them has the T-51b Power armor and a Tri-Beam Laser Rifle and the other has the Remnants Power Armor and a Multiplas Rifle. Submitted by Zackari Graham. Kill Without Gaining Infamy You need an anti-material rifle with incendiary for this cheat. Equip your rifle and change the ammo type to incendiary. Use VATS on a target and quit the VATS after targeting. Now the target is on fire without you gaining infamy or agroing anyone. You may use this trick several times on stronger targets.

Fallout new vegas ps3 iso

Note: This cheat worked before later updates; it may be patched. Infinite Magazines In Freeside, go to the Old Mormon Fort. Seek out Julie Farkes inside the Fort. Choose the dialogue option to help them get medical supplies. Click through the dialogue options to hear one that tells you that she just got a shipment of magazines. After all this you will need to choose the option 'I have some medical supplies to drop off.' There are three options; choose the Rad-Away as this is the easiest one of the three to find.

You only need to leave one thing if you don't care about fame. Every time you give them something you will gain more fame. After you give them the supplies choose the option 'I'd like to buy medical supplies.' There are a few aid supplies here that you can get if you want although they will not regenerate. In the supply list you can find the Magazines. Buy up what you want and then exit.

After that, choose the option to give med supplies again. This time you need not give them anything just choose the 'Never mind' option. Go back to 'Buy medical supplies' and you can repeat teh process for more magazines. You can do it infinitely as long as you choose to drop off supplies first. You can even come back to at a later time. Here are the magazines you can score:.

Fix-in' Things - Repair +10. Lad's Life - Survival +10. Meeting People - Speech +10. Programmer's Digest - Science +10. Salesman Weekly - Barter +10. Today's Physician - Medical -10Deckard's Gun from Blade Runner The store in Novac has 'That Gun,' a gun that resembles Deckard's Gun from Blade Runner. This is also the name of a gun in previous Fallout games.

Each weapon type in Fallout 3 has a unique weapon with special capabilities. Here is a list of where you can find these unique.Abilene Kid LE BB Gun: The Abilene Kid LE BB gun is a unique BB gun. It can be found in Fields Shack on the shelf to the far left corner of the house. If you have the Wild Wasteland trait from the beginning of the game on, it will be located in Jimmy's Well, which is just outside of Fields Shack. If you have Rex the cyber dog, and you talk to him with the Wild Wasteland Trait, he might start howling and eventually he will mark Jimmy's Well on the map for you.

You get a variety of guesses to figure out what's wrong, but the correct one is that someone fell down a well, which is a reference to Lassie. Fields Shack is located between Nellis Airforce Base and New Vegas Medical clinic, if your having difficulty, it's North East from the clinic, and South west of the airforce base. It's on the road to and from the Airforce base, you should see a guy named George, warning you about the Boomers and their artillery guns.

Submitted by gamerzgod123.AER14 Prototype: This laser rifle is located in Vault 22. This vault can be found between Westside and Jacobstown or by doing the side quest There Stands the Grass for the scientist at Camp McCarren. Once inside, you'll find the rifle on the fifth level-pest control, behind a (very easy) locked door leading into a blocked off area of the fourth level. Look on the ground next to a skeleton and there it is. Submitted by MetalHead896.Alien Blaster: Find the crashed alien ship near top right hand corner of map.

The ship is on top of the cliffs. Below are 3 aliens. Kill the captain for the blaster and ammo - like Fallout 3 it's one of the best guns in the game. Submitted by haigy.All-American: All American is a unique Marksman Carbine. You can find it at the armory in Vault 34. Utorrent 64 bit windows 7.

First, find the passwords from the drowned techies underwater - it helps if you have the rebreather. Find the terminal that holds one of the passwords, that will unlock a door. That leads to another room with another drowned techie. Take that password to security sector A and there is another terminal that will control the pump to drain the water.

This will give you access to another room that you couldn't reach before. Using the new found password, you will unlock the Overseer door and with that terminal. You unlock the armory door that holds All American and a crap ton of other loot. Beware of ALOT of feral ghouls. All American is found on a turned over table directly to your right point of view once you enter the room.

Vault 34 is INCREDIBLY confusing. Submitted by gamerzgod123.Annabelle: Annabelle is a unique missile launcher carried by a super mutant sniper, on Black Rock Mountain, on Black Rock Summit, somewhere near Goodsprings and Jacobson Town. The mutant is on what looks to be a electrical tower or a radio tower of some sort. He's carrying Annabelle - you can't miss him, he'll be the one shooting you on top of a radio tower. The place is SWARMING with nightkin and super mutant masters mostly and the place is HEAVILY irradiated, get armor and pop some Rad-X, this won't be easy. Submitted by gamerzgod123.Big Boomer: Big Boomer is a unique sawed-off shotgun carried by Old Lady Gibson in Gibson Scrap Yard, North of Novac.

You must kill her - preferably silently and undetected due to the amount of dogs with her. DO NOT kill her until you finish the ' my Love' and 'Come Fly with Me' quests, otherwise you will fail the quests. Submitted by gamerzgod123.Chance's Knife: Chances Knife is a unique combat knife located in Chance's Grave, which is located at the tribal village. The tribal Village is located north west of Goodsprings Cemetery and North and little west of Goodsprings itself. The place is pretty obscure since it's in a very mountainous region of the map.

The village is dangerous in a sense, since they are usually some Cazadors and a few Fiends. Bring a good weapon just in case. You need a shovel to dig the grave, and the grave is pretty obscure too - it's on a hidden hill, near the village. Submitted by gamerzgod123.Chopper: The Chopper is a unique meat cleaver found on the stove of Wolfhorn Ranch. Wolfhorn Ranch is located South East of the Prospectors Den, which is South East of Primm, and the ranch is also fairly close to Nipton, North East of Nipton where the road turns right and splits into a bunch of roads.

Submitted by gamerzgod123.Cram Opener: The Cram Opener is a unique bladed gauntlet carried by Little Buster who can be found in Camp McCarren, punching a punching bag. If you hunt Fiend bounties for the NCR, they will point you to Little Buster. You must kill him to get the Cram Opener. He will disappear eventually, so be quick. Submitted by gamerzgod123.CZ57 Avenger: Here is how to find the upgraded mini gun called the C257 Avenger. The easiest way to get to it is to find Ranger Station Bravo. If you've done the Return To Sender quest you've probably already found it.

If not, it is six sections down from the top of the right side of the map, and between three and four to the left. Once you get there, travel east. You should discover a place called the Devil's Throat. It is highly radiated so have some Rad-X on hand as well as some Rad-Away. You can make pretty easy work of the Evolved Centaurs and the Centaurs there. Once you clear the area, this extremely fast mini gun is in the truck along with plenty of 5mm ammo for it.

Submitted by Frankie Schaller.Driver Nephi's Golf Driver: Nephi's Golf driver is a unique golf club, and is one of the 'simpler' melee weapons to get. The golf club is located on Driver Nephi, who is a fiend, so either way, you will probably kill him. He is located around the area of Camp McCarren and New Vegas and is one of the three fiend bounties, so if you can't find him, activate the quest and it will point you in the right direction. You can activate the quest by talking to a guy located in Camp McCarren. Submitted by gamerzgod123.Euclid's C-Finder: Euclid's C-Finder is a unique weapon that uses the power of the sun to burn your enemies to ash.

It can only be fired once per day - and only outside - because the lasers must recharge. To use this weapon, during the quest ',' you must program the Helios One power station output to ARCHIMEDES. You can find it in freeside, near the east gate - a boy named Max carries it. You can either buy it for 1000 Caps (or 20 Caps with a barter skill of 45), pickpocket, or take it from his bedside while he is sleeping. He goes to sleep around 9:30. He sleeps on the second floor of the building on the right after coming into Freeside from the East Gate. Submitted by Zackari Graham.Figaro: Figaro is a unique straight razor.

You obtain this weapon by killing Sergio in the back of The Kings School of Impersonation. Try to be stealthy about it; everyone in that building has a gun. Sergio is the barber of the Kings. Submitted by gamerzgod123.Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle: The Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle is a unique sniper rifle found in the foot locker in the snipers nest overlooking Cottonwood Cove, a Legion hideout/base. You MUST have a Lockpick skill of 100 to open the footlocker.

Submitted by gamerzgod123.Golden Gloves: If you want the Golden Gloves, look inside the 38 Casino in The Strip. Look in the Casino upstairs on the left side above the cashier station and look in the top shelf on the left side of the bar table. The Golden Gloves and the Boxing Times magazine will be right there. Submitted by FNV easter egg finder.Holy Hand Grenade: The Holy Hand Grenades are exactly what they sound like; grenades.

You can find them in the most eastern church of Camp Searchlight, which is somewhere in the southern part of the map. There is a catch though: You MUST take the Wild Wasteland Trait at the Beginning of the game or the grenades will be replaced with a mini nuke for a Fat Man. The basement does contain some golden geckos and high radiation, so pop some Rad-x before heading down. Davicom dm9601 driver for mac. Submitted by gamerzgod123.Knock Knock: Knock Knock is a unique fire axe that can be found in Camp Search Lights Fire Station.

You need to have a key to the building so first go talk with prospector leader who is stationed at the church basement. Go fetch few radiation suits for him and then you can follow him to the police station and after that to the fire station.

Kill this massive Queen radscorpion and grab a couple fire axes with you (can be used to repair the 'Knock Knock'). Go to second floor and advance to the toilets. Open the second booth from the door and grab 'Knock Knock.'

Submitted by PnoenixFIN.La Longue Carabine: La Longue Carabine is a unique Cowboy Repeater carried by Corporal Sterling whom you must kill if you want to obtain it. Submitted by gamerzgod123.Liberator: The Liberator is a unique machete carried by Legion officer Dead Sea who is located in Nelson. If you're friendly towards the Legion, Nelson is located near the South east corner of the map, west of the Giant River that separates from the mainland. If you're friendly towards NCR, follow the quest for the NCR in Camp Forlorn Hope and talk to the commander inside the tent. Eventually he will send you and 3 other guys to retake Nelson. You will probably kill Dead Sea by the end of it. Search corpses until you find the Liberator - it will be found on dead Sea.

Submitted by gamerzgod123.Love and Hate: Love and Hate is a unique spiked knuckles. You can get it from Bonnie Springs (located north from Goodsprings cemetery). Kill Viper gang leader and loot her body. Submitted by PhoenixFIN.Lucky: Lucky is a unique.357 revolver. It can be found at the Steve Bison place in Primm. It's behind the cash register in the gift shop, in a safe that's in the floor. The gift shop is the the most North Eastern part of the first floor.

You must have a lockpick skill of 75 to open the lock. Submitted by gamerzgod123.: This pistol is really easy to get.

When you get to meet Caesar (Caesar's legion) all you need to do is complete a short guest from Caesar and after that you are given a chance to kill Benny. Kill Benny and then loot his corpse. You find this pistol 'Maria', which by the way is the same pistol that Benny used to 'kill' you when the game began. Submitted by PhoenixFIN.Mercy: Mercy is a unique grenade machine gun is THE most difficult weapon to obtain in the game. First, it's in a rather obscure location, it's located in Dead Wind Cavern, and no one would think to look in there.

Second, the place is friggin SWARMING with Deathclaw (normal, couple of alpha males and mother) and the absolute most powerful enemy in the game, 'The Legendary DeathClaw'. Make sure you KNOW what your doing, before entering, or it'll result in an untimely death. Mercy is located at the end of Dead Wind Cavern, next to a dead Brother of Steel member. It's in the same room as the Legendary Deathclaw. If you have Holy Frag Grenades, use them; these things will usually result in a one hit kill, WITH power armor.

Submitted by gamerzgod123.The Mysterious Magnum: This unique weapon can obtained when you are doing a quest to bring in fresh talent for The Tops. One of the fresh talents is located east of the HELIOS Solar Power Plant near a roadside billboard next to the interstate road.

If you can successfully recruit him and ask for a reward, he give you his dad's weapon, the Mysterious Magnum. Every time you draw out that weapon, you sound like you are the Mysterious Stranger, which we may now confirm the relationship. Submitted by Michael Charles.Oh, Baby!: Oh Baby! Is a Unique Super Sledge located in Charleston's Cave, located North East of Jacobson Town, just behind the gate, up the hills. Don't go to far, just around the town gate. The over powered weapon is on the ground next to the dead nightkin. The location is part of a quest, so activate it by talking to Doctor Henry.

The place has some night stalkers in it, but they shouldn't give you much trouble. If you have the Wild Wasteland Trait on, there may be dead big horner corpses as well, it's easy to miss, but if you do, it could be under one of the big horner bodies, it helps to have Rex to help you spot it. If it is, just try to move the corpse, if that doesn't work, blow up the corpse using anything, guns, melee - don't use explosives as that might send Oh, baby! Flying somewhere and you can't find it.

Submitted by gamerzgod123.Paladin Toaster: This is a special power fist that is found in Black Rock Cavern northwest of HELIOS One. You have to kill a few nightkin, and the toaster will be found on the corpse of a prospecter. This glove is pretty much an EMP punch that can kill at any unarmed skill level. Submitted by DarthNacho.Pew Pew: Pew Pew is a insanely powerful laser pistol and can be found on the body of Allen Marks.

To get to Allen Marks you must complete the quest, 'The Legend of the Star' to do this, you must collect 50 Sunset Sarsaparilla blue star bottle caps and turn them in to Festus, the goofy broken cowboy guy directly left when you enter the Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters. Pew Pew may be powerful, but there is a downside. This beast of a gun eats up 15 energy cells per shot.

You may say, 'I have a lot of cells, it won't be a problem.' Yes there will be, you will be reloading often which makes firefights tough. Submitted by gamerzgod123.Pushy: Pushy is a unique Displacer Glo.