Medieval 2 Total War Spanish

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Medieval 2 total war spain guide

Jinetes標槍騎兵missile cavalryFast and manoeuvrable light cavalry units, Jinetes hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords.標槍騎兵來去如風,極為靈活。對敵時率先標槍飛擲,然後揮動長劍殺入敵陣。missile cavalryfast pony32182ap, thrown93nocanwithdraw, cantabriancircle, hardy, hideforest, seafaring90 ratings 個評分Great unit 非常推薦Fast and manoeuvrable light cavalry units, Jinetes hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords.標槍騎兵來去如風,極為靈活。對敵時率先標槍飛擲,然後揮動長劍殺入敵陣。. Mounted Crossbowmen弩騎兵missile cavalryUsing smaller crossbows than the infantry, these units use their mobility to stay out of trouble while they reload.弩騎兵使用較步兵弩更為小巧的騎弩,發射後利用騎兵優勢遠避敵軍從容裝填。missile cavalryfast pony32151ap72nocanwithdraw, cantabriancircle, crossbow, hideforest, seafaring19 ratings 個評分Good unit 強力推薦Using smaller crossbows than the infantry, these units use their mobility to stay out of trouble while they reload.弩騎兵使用較步兵弩更為小巧的騎弩,發射後利用騎兵優勢遠避敵軍從容裝填。. Arquebusiers火繩槍兵missile infantryFired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt.火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。missile infantry481141ap61nocanwithdraw, firebyrank, gunmen, gunpowderunit, hideforest, seafaring, startnotskirmishing5 ratings 個評分Good unit 強力推薦Fired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt.火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。. Musketeers滑膛槍兵missile infantryThe musket is an improved form of firearm. Firing a heavy shot to a good range, it causes fear, and can pierce any armour.滑膛槍兵是先進的火槍部隊,威力射程都極為驚人,可穿透任何盔甲,令敵軍聞聲膽裂,潰不成軍。missile infantry481141ap61nocanwithdraw, firebyrank, gunmen, gunpowderunit, hideforest, seafaring, startnotskirmishing51 ratings 個評分Great unit 非常推薦The musket is an improved form of firearm. Firing a heavy shot to a good range, it causes fear, and can pierce any armour.滑膛槍兵是先進的火槍部隊,威力射程都極為驚人,可穿透任何盔甲,令敵軍聞聲膽裂,潰不成軍。. Hand Gunners手炮兵missile infantryEarliest hand-held firearm unit.

Unofficial fan site for Medieval 2: Total War, dedicated to bringing you the latest news, guides, FAQ, campaigns, strategies, forums, discussions, information,. Unless the new Spanish royalty are willing to embark on such a dangerous campaign, they must look to the sea to find less daunting borders to cross. The Spaniards have always shown an affinity for the water, and make fine seafarers. Medieval II: Total War Rome: Total War Medieval: Total War Shogun: Total War. OUR COMMUNITY Total War site.

Causes more fear than actual damage. These soldiers need to be capable in close combat due to the short range of their weapons.手炮兵是早期手持火槍部隊,對敵軍的心理震撼遠甚於其實際殺傷。由於手炮射程較短,士兵們必須應付近身肉搏。missile infantry481132ap112nocanwithdraw, gunmen, gunpowderunit, hideforest, seafaring9 ratings 個評分Promising unit 表現良好Earliest hand-held firearm unit. Causes more fear than actual damage. These soldiers need to be capable in close combat due to the short range of their weapons.手炮兵是早期手持火槍部隊,對敵軍的心理震撼遠甚於其實際殺傷。由於手炮射程較短,士兵們必須應付近身肉搏。. Town Militia城鎮民兵light infantryTown Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with short spears.城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。light infantry60152lightspear, spearbonus400nocanwithdraw, freeupkeepunit, hideforest, seafaring4 ratings 個評分Common unit 表現平平Town Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with short spears.城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。. Spear Militia長矛民兵spearmen infantrySpear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears.長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。spearmen infantry60152spear, spearbonus800nocanwithdraw, freeupkeepunit, hideforest, seafaring4 ratings 個評分Promising unit 表現良好Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears.長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。. Cataclysm dda texture pack. Dismounted Chivalric Knights步行俠義騎士heavy infantryBenefiting from improvements in arms and armour these elite warriors are still formidable, even when they choose to fight on foot.俠義騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,即便步戰廝殺威力同樣恐怖。heavy infantry481133no00nocanwithdraw, hardy, hideforest, seafaring61 ratings 個評分Legendary unit 極度推薦Benefiting from improvements in arms and armour these elite warriors are still formidable, even when they choose to fight on foot.俠義騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,即便步戰廝殺威力同樣恐怖。.

Bombard攻城炮missile siegePrimitive siege-gun forged of bronze or iron, can shoot solid stone or flaming shot. Inaccurate versus units.攻城炮為最早的攻城火炮,炮身由青銅或黑鐵鑄成,能發射巨型石彈或火球,對部隊射擊精準程度不高。missile siegebombard16163no553ap, bp, area, launchingartillery, canwithdraw, cannon, gunpowderunit, hardy, seafaring3 ratings 個評分Good unit 強力推薦Primitive siege-gun forged of bronze or iron, can shoot solid stone or flaming shot. Inaccurate versus units.攻城炮為最早的攻城火炮,炮身由青銅或黑鐵鑄成,能發射巨型石彈或火球,對部隊射擊精準程度不高。. Culverin長管炮missile siegeAble to fire solid or exploding shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy troops!長管炮可發射實心或開花炮彈,既能破壞敵軍防禦設施,亦可大量殺傷敵軍有生力量。missile siegeculverin16163no653ap, bp, area, launchingartillery, canwithdraw, cannon, explode, gunpowderunit, hardy, seafaring7 ratings 個評分Great unit 非常推薦Able to fire solid or exploding shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy troops!長管炮可發射實心或開花炮彈,既能破壞敵軍防禦設施,亦可大量殺傷敵軍有生力量。. Basilisk蜥炮missile siegeVery powerful cannon with great range, damage and accuracy. Punishing against defences and units.


Can fire solid or explosive shots.蜥炮的遠程精準轟炸威力極為驚人,對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都造成重大打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。missile siegebasilisk16163no653ap, bp, area, launching0artillery, canwithdraw, cannon, explode, gunpowderunit, hardy, seafaring23 ratings 個評分Great unit 非常推薦Very powerful cannon with great range, damage and accuracy. Punishing against defences and units. Can fire solid or explosive shots.蜥炮的遠程精準轟炸威力極為驚人,對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都造成重大打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。.

Your browser does not support iframes.Spain, A.D. 1080 SummerAny man who is born on the Iberian Peninsula would call himself a 'Spaniard', so when King Alfonso VI declared himself the 'Emperor of all Spain' three years ago, it was a truly bold claim. After all, not since the times of the Western Roman Empire has one noble court truly ruled the peninsula unopposed. Currently, the Moors hold southern Iberia quite tightly, and Portugal's declaration of independence really proves Alfonso wrong.However, Alfonso has managed to become the King of Leon, Castile and Galicia all at once, so there is definitely more to his claim than wild boasts. Now that the petty differences of the Christian courts have been abolished, the Reconquista looks like it may finally become a reality - Alfonso VI is the first sovereign to truly find himself in a position to actually drive the Muslims back into northern Africa.The first moves for the King of Spain are obvious, but beyond Iberia, there is far less certainty.

The King of France may be cowering in Paris to avoid facing other French noble robber barons, but crossing the Pyranees to take his southern fiefdoms is more likely to unify his people than split their loyalties.Unless the new Spanish royalty are willing to embark on such a dangerous campaign, they must look to the sea to find less daunting borders to cross. The Spaniards have always shown an affinity for the water, and make fine seafarers. Who knows, perhaps the great empires of the future will be forged at sea rather than on dry land - If so, the people who mastered this art of war first would inherit the earth.Facebook Comments.

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