Nancy Drew Treasure In The Royal Tower

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Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower - Walkthrough/guide. Landscape Mode is recommended for viewing FAQs. Version 1.6 12/1/08 DDDDD. Nancy Drew: Treasure in a Royal Tower comments and reviews 17: 4,950: Jan 30, 13 8:23 PM by gingergal. Blog Walkthrough is now available for Nancy Drew: Treasure in a Royal Tower! 3: 5,301: Jan 10, 10 5:00 PM by julesyhedgehog. 2: 378: Jan 23, 17 12:11 PM by ShaunaPSmith.

Walkthrough by: mac_attack
Senior Detective Mode

Minimum System Requirements:
Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME andXP
166 MHz Processor
150 MB available hard disk space
16 Bit color graphics video card that’s compatible with DirectX 7 or higher
8x CD-ROM drive
16 Bit compatible sound card
Mouse and speakers or headphone
Welcome to Nancy Drew’slatest in the mystery series. This game will take you to the Wickford castlewhere a treasure is hidden in the Queen’s tower just waiting to be discovered.Join Nancy and a cast of strange-acting characters as you set out to solvethe mystery of the Royal Tower.

Important note: Whenthe letter gets put into inventory it’s not an important part of the gameanymore. If you do not give the letter to Dexter, it’ll not deter you fromcompleting the rest of the game.

Nancy’s Room:

Once control of thegame has been given over to you, you’ll be standing in front of your room’sdesk. Look at the desk and take your keycard that is to the left of you.Notice your room number, (205) so that you can find your way back herelater. Open the desk drawer and look at another card that has your lockernumber and combination on it. Take note of these numbers, as you’ll needthem later in the game. Now, turn to the left and open your suitcase. Examinethe brochure that’s inside it to get familiar with the castle. Turn tothe left again and you’ll now be facing the dresser. Open the first drawerand take out the hotel menu. You’ll need this menu for a task later inthe game. Click to the left 7 times and you’ll be facing a round tablewith a couple of magazines sitting on it. Take the first magazine fromthe top and read an article on fingerprints that’ll be helpful for somethingelse later in the game. Now that you’ve examined your room carefully, it’stime to go out and meet a few of the characters that have made it to thehotel.

Getting to the Lobby:

Once you’re outsideyour door, take a right and go straight 2x. Then take a left and head downthe stairs on the right. Once at the Lobby you’ll be facing the entranceto the castle. Turn around and you’ll be facing the front desk, which DexterEgan is working at, for the moment. Talk to Dexter, here’s how it shouldgo:
'Yes, ThanksMr. Egan..'
'What kind of incident?'
'Why would anyone..'
'Wow, a hole inthe wall?!..'
'What else has gonewrong?'
'Sounds like you’reswamped..'
'Can you do somethingabout my radiator?'
'Okay, see ya Mr.Egan.'
The ski rental areais open during certain hours of the day. Here’s the schedule:

Open 9-12pm; closedfor lunch 12-2pm; 2-5pm.

If your watch doesn’tmatch any of these hours, find something else to pass the time. You canmeet another character, Lisa Ostrum off in the Lounge to the left. Youcan do some exploring on your own, or you can set the alarm clock for 2pmand meet Jacques then. Right now, let’s have a chat with Lisa:

'Yeah, Dexterjust told me…'
'I guess you’vereally got your finger…'
'What do you know…'
'You said she’sa professor…'
'Do you have a theory…'
'I wonder why…'
'I’ll let you getback…'
After finishing theconversation, turn to the right and take a look at a couple of books fromthe bookshelf. These books will be very helpful later in the game.

After reading thebooks, turn left and head out the doorway behind Lisa. Turn right and followthe hallway down to an open room with knights on display. Turn right againand face the elevator. Press the call button; step into the elevator andhead to the basement to meet Jacques. Have a chat with Jacques and receiveProf. Hotchkiss’ boots. (If you arrive here and the rental office is closed,pick up the paintbrush on the door-shelf. Check your watch and decide ifstrolling around the halls will kill enough time; if not, go to your roomand reset the alarm clock.)

'Hi, I’mNancy. I came to ski…'
'What about you,Jacques?'
'Work of art…'
'Yes, I did notice…'
'I’m dying to havea look…'
'Thanks for thetip…'
Head to the right andyou’ll be facing a long row of lockers. Turn around and click on locker#310. Remember your locker com? If not, here it is 5-1-7.

Click on the triangleeach time you stop on a correct number. The locker doesn’t open! Oh No!Go back to Jacques and exhaust all conversation topics with him. Ask himabout your locker combination. He will give you the correct locker number.The number is 311. Open up that locker and you’ll notice that it’s alreadyoccupied. Oops! Take a look inside the occupant’s bag:

-A letter to Lisain Spanish
(thought she wasn’tfluent with languages?)

-Lisa’s two passportsw/different IDs


-Four different IDcards for Lisa (hmmmmmmm)

Go back to the skioffice again. This time, you’ll find that it’s been closed for the night.Get a close-up on the office door and take the paintbrush if you didn'tdo that before. Now, it’s time to visit the Library.

Getting to the Library:

In order to get to theLibrary you’ll have to take a different route since the doors are locked.Go back to the elevator and without turning around, look up at the ceiling.You’ll notice that there’s a door in the ceiling leading into the shaft.

Open up the doorand climb into the shaft. Take the ladder in front of you all the way tothe second floor. When you get to the grate leading to the entrance ofthe second floor shaft, you’ll notice that it’s ready to fall off, likesomebody’s already been through the shaft. Hop into the shaft and followit until you come all the way to the grate that leads into the library.Open the grate and jump down into the library. Once you start moving towardsthe staircase you should hear somebody jangling his/her keys by the doors.Quick! Turn around and go back into the shaft and watch Dexter until heleaves. Once Dexter leaves it is now safe for you to explore the Library.

What should you doin the Library?

-Read the book Truestories Behind Famous Paintings
(To the right ofthe stairs, on the table w/chess game)

-Go to the rightagain, until you see a table with a huge pile of dust and broken flowerpots

-read the book 'Anatlas of the United States'; It will give you the solution to the globepuzzle(90*W)

-Also, use paintbrushon the dust and then dust off the alarm to find fingerprints for the securitycode (from darkest to lightest, they are 3, *, 7, 2)

-Head to the globeand solve the needle puzzle on top. Place the needle at 90° and liftup the top part of the globe. You’ll find the solution for the compasspuzzle above the fireplace. (-15,10, -5)

-Go to the Fireplace.Click on the saying above the fireplace. You’ll find the compass puzzle.

In order to solveit; click on the green button once you reach each number. When you solveit you will hear a sound of a door sliding open above you.

-Go up the stairsand head over to the secret room on the left. Go in and grab the lighteroff of the desk. Light the candle on the desk so that it’ll melt and youwill find a key!

-Read the poem onthe desk to the right of the candle. Turn around and read the Good andBad books of Dexter on the other desk.

That’s all you cando in the Library for now. It’s now safe to exit the Library through thedouble-doors.

When you exit, usethe elevator to go up to the second floor. Take a left, go straight, thenright and head to Prof. Hotchkiss’ room, which is 214. Knock on the doorand start a conversation with her:

'It’s Nancy. AndI’m happy…'
(End of conversation)

When you’re done.Place the Professor’s boots on the floor and back away from the door. Returnto Mr. Egan and pester him again to fix your radiator. He will tell youthat he received a call from the Professor, saying she received her boots.Now he gives you another task. He wants you to fix the lights in the stairwellthat leads down to the basement. Go back to the basement and head overto the circuit breaker.

Here’s how to solvethis problem.
Pull the top-lefttriple switch
to the left, andthe top-right
three single switchesand the
double switch, tothe right.

The picture showsthe switches
BEFORE you pullthem. Leave
them that way, closethe door, and
pull the red handleto reset the

Go back to Mr. Eganagain and once again ask him to fix your radiator. He will ignore you andask you to get the Prof. Lunch order for him. Go back to the Professor’sroom. Knock on her door and ask her what she would like for lunch. Onceshe gives you her order, go back down to Egan and tell him what she ordered.He will then tell you to have her order something off of the hotel menu.Go back again and get the order from the hotel menu in your inventory.Once again, after she orders, go back to Egan and he will give you theday off after you tell Jacques to defrost the big bag of chicken drumsticks.Go back to your room and you will find that your radiator has FINALLY beenfixed! Take the oilcan that’s by the right of the radiator and set youralarm for 3AM.

It’s now time tofind out where the source of that screeching noise is now coming from.Go down to the lobby and get behind the front desk. Take the key to theLibrary from the bottom-left drawer of the desk close-up. Go to the elevatordoor in front of the Library doors. Make sure that the elevator is on thefirst floor before you do anything else. Go to the Library and let yourselfin. Quickly, turn around and disarm the alarm with the code you discoveredearlier. (3, *, 7, 2) Go over to the vent at the top of the stairs. Climbin and crawl your way through to the elevator shaft. Climb down the ladderand turn around. You should see a handle that will open a grate leadinginto the ground. Try the handle. It’s stuck! Take the oil can and use iton the handle. Now try the handle. Ah-Ha! Now the grate will open!

Head down the stairsand solve the door puzzle! This is a random learn-the-sequence puzzle soyou are going to have to solve this one on your own! Once you have solvedthis puzzle, follow the noise until you reach the dungeon. Surprise! Youfind Jacques hacking away at the jail door! Jacques sure seems surprisedto see you, too! Have a little chat with him and he will give you his lockercombination. (2-6-6-5) once he disappears, head towards the knight. Movethe cursor until it is highlighted and then take the tip of the sword.Go back upstairs to the first floor. Or if you like, go back the way youcame in. Take the elevator to the basement and go to the locker room. Headover to Jacques’ locker (near the sauna) and open it. Look at the letterfrom his fiancée, the letter from the immigration department andthe magazine about diamonds (huh?). Try to take the medallion in the locker,you’ll get BONKED on the head instead.

After waking up inyour room, answer the phone. Once the conversation is over, check yourvoice mail and find out that Dexter would like to talk with you. Call Georgeif you like; she and Bess will talk-a-plenty. Set your alarm for 12 p.m.if it isn’t already 12 in Nancy’s time. Go down to the Lobby and have alittle chat with Dexter. Be HONEST about everything. He will end up tellingyou how to get to the garden and that there’s a key to the jail cell inthe shed outside.

Go back to the basement and SAVE HERE. Whenyou go outside and you stay out there too long, you’ll freeze to death!Lucky thing there’s a second chance for Nancy!

Go outside and headtowards the shed. Open the door and let yourself in. Once inside, headstoward the ski-lift machine. It’s to the left a little bit. (The firsthot-spot is just to the right of the tire on the floor.) Then take anotherleft and you’ll be at a table full of old tools. Look to the right of thetable and take the key off its hook. This is the key to get you insidethe jail cell.

Look to the leftside of the table and see an important clue. Looks like controls for something,where the left lever is in the third position, the middle one is in thesecond position, and the right lever is in the fourth.

Quickly, go backinside and warm yourself up before you go back out again. When you’re readyto go out again, SAVE YOUR GAME! If you take too long you will freeze.

All right, time tofind the secret garden. Go outside and to the left past the NO TRESSPASSINGsign. You’ll come to a wall of overgrown weeds. (If you do not get an arrowat the No Trespassing sign, go back inside and ask Dexter about the seecretgarden.) Move some of the weeds over to the side and open up the gate.To unlock the gate, turn the circular section three times. Go into thegarden until you see a statue with an arrow on it. Move this arrow to thewest and then face the direction it’s pointing. You’ll find a handle inthe back of a statue’s head. Pull the lever down and out will appear abox. Use the key from the secret room to open up this box. You will findthe RED MEDALLION hiding inside the box! Now, quickly retreat from thegarden and head back inside.

Once inside, head to the lounge and talk toLisa. Be careful of what you say to her. When she mentions the fact thatshe saw Dexter carrying a green ornament of some kind over by the shed,that means it’s time to go outside once again. Once again, go to the basementand SAVE YOUR GAME!

Go outside, turnaround and discover that you’ve been locked out! Oh No! Hurry over to theshed and let yourself in. Go over to the machine on the right and pickup the GREEN MEDALLION. Watch out for the rat! Now go over to the ski-liftmachine and work the levers until you see the lift outside start to move.Clickhere for an easy answer to the levers. This is your version of SOS!Dexter will come to the rescue! When you’re inside, be honest about whyyou started the ski lift.

Now, time to go tothe dungeon. You remember the way; go in the Library, silence the alarm,and go through the vent shaft, down the hatch in the floor, and solve thedoor locks again. Once you’re at the door to the cell, take the key fromthe shed and unlock it. Head into the cell and solve the chain puzzle.Follow the pattern on the opposite wall. The chains should end up lookinglike that pattern. Click here for an easy answer to thechains. When you’ve solved it, go straight through and head to the left. Solve the chess-like puzzle. The object of this puzzle is to get the different colored disks to their corresponding places. Once you solved it,you should hear the rumbling of stairs opening up above you. Climb thestairs into the very yellow room. Solve the gold leaf puzzle that’s tothe right of the Marie Antoinette picture. When it’s solved a door willopen up revealing Marie’s journal!

The finished gold-leafpuzzle.

Go see ProfessorHotchkiss in her room (214.) She has come to trust you, but to seal herconfidence, you need to answer a question for her. She will give you aquestion that you can answer by reading the books in the lounge. (You mayhave to do some deductive reasoning after reading.) Return to her room,tell her you have the information, and she will give you a slip of paperto place your answer on. Enter it, and she tells you shewill be glad to talk further, between 3 and 6 a.m. in the lounge.

Now to go back toyour room and set your alarm to 3AM. Go back to lounge and have a chatwith the Professor. Exhaust all the conversations and give her the journal.She will tell you that she will wrestle you for it. Don’t do anything exceptgiving her the journal. When she goes away to translate the journal, there’snothing to do but sleep ‘til 3AM the next night.

Once you wake up,go back to the lounge and talk to the Professor. She’ll tell you that thejournal has been translated and that Marie’s decoder is included with it.Go up to the Professor’s room and read the journal and decoder. You MUSTlook at the decoder. Find it left of the typewriter. Find the video-camon the dresser, and watch the film. It stops halfway through because thebattery runs down. Put the battery on the charger and go back to your ownroom. Reset the clock to 3 a.m. Go back to 214, put the battery back inthe vid-cam and watch the professor discovering the peep-holes. Exit theroom turning right, and follow the halls to the art gallery. Look throughthe peep-hole. Then use the red madallion on the peep-hole and look again.Repeat the process with the green and blue medallions. Go ask ProfessorHotchkiss to translate the French quotations.

Important: Go back to 214 and look at thedecoder again. Nancy exclaims: 'Purple Rose holds diamond key of Queen!'

Go to the Tower.You should know the way by now. (Through the library, etc.) Move to a close-upof the design on the floor. Place the medallions in the following order:

Red = LeftGreen = MiddleBlue = Right
Now, get a close-upof the flower in the painting. Take the point that you got from the knightearlier in the game and chip away at the tiles. You’ll find the diamondkey. Place the key in the middle of the medallions and the diamond willappear! Gorgeous! Isn’t it? Once the diamond appears, the diamond thiefwill also appear. After a short hello, the thief will use pepper sprayon your eyes. After some revealing conversation, the thief will try tomake a fast getaway, but you know how to stop the thief. Open the doorand turn to the left. You’ll find a large square protruding from the restof the bricks. Press the square and you’ll have won the game!

Congratulations!Another case solved by Nancy Drew! Stay tuned for the next case comingout in November: Nancy Drew 5: The Final Scene!

Thisdocument may only be distributed with the express written permissionof the author, mac_attack
The content of this document may not be altered in any way withoutthe permission of the author.
Any proposed changes or additions to the walkthrough may be submitted tomac_attack.
Page design by Tally Ho
All images and concepts property of Her Interactive.
copyright© 2001

GameBoomersWalkthroughs and Solutions

Nancy Drew Treasure In The Royal Tower

Number the chains 1 to 5 from left to right.
Pull them in this order: 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1,4, 4

Number the levers 1 to 3 from left to right.
Pull them in this order: 3, 3, 2

Contents SynopsisFollow ancient clues to find Marie Antoinette's legendary secret!You, as Nancy Drew, travel to Butter Ridge, Wisconsin, for a skiing vacation. The owner, Christi Lane, is a friend of and has invited you to stay for awhile, but she is currently away on business. All is going well, but when a blizzard hits, you and the other guests are snowed in with a mystery.

The castle's library has been vandalized and one of the guest's rooms has been robbed! Now you are trapped in a place that's as strange as its history. Wickford Castle is a riddle; full of dead-ends and detours that hint at a legend left behind by Marie Antoinette!

Solve baffling puzzles, search concealed rooms, interview evasive suspects, and sidestep danger on the hunt for a secret that the doomed queen was desperate to hide!. Hit the slopes for a ski adventure. Learn about Marie Antoinette and her historic castle.

Assist with housekeeping duties while snooping for cluesCharactersDexter is the receptionist. As the only staff member, he's very busy and thus somewhat bad-tempered.Lisa is a photojournalist staying at the lodge.Jacques is the lodge's French ski instructor.Professor Hotchkiss is an eccentric scholar of French history.

Website x5 templates

She's here to research, the former resident of the castle's French tower.Phone FriendsThe phone is located in Nancy's room.andBess and George are Nancy's best friends, and also cousins. They can offer her advice and hints.Ned is Nancy's boyfriend, and also offers her advice and hints.Trivia.

This was the first game to be released on the two-games-per-year schedule. Max Holechek stated this was due to game distributors dropping the price of computer games, and it was needed to continue producing the Adventure Series.Continuity. Lisa is reading the same magazine with on the cover and 's interview. Professor Hotchkiss has the same coat as Mattie Jensen and, and the same typewriter as.Foreshadowing Main/recurring character revelations Allusions/Parodies Goofs. The Spanish letters in Lisa's locker are never commented on by Nancy.